This next letter from Judith is dated August, 1999. I love how she calls this letter a "paper phone". This letter was written only one month later than the previous letter and much of the wording is exactly the same as the letter I shared last week. I'm not exactly sure why, but I've gone ahead and typed it all out again as this letter contains some new information. This is the letter where Judith begins mentioning that she is using the extra money I send for gifts to build a better house for her family.
It's my personal pleasure on this privileged occasion to paper phone to you this letter hoping that you are still alive through his guidance. At home my family members are still find and they are still praying for you in all your whatever you do. In our project we got a new social worker which is a blessing to us. He is saved and his name is Kennedy Kobira from Kusii.
In my tailoring college I'm going on well with my work and I think at the end of the year I will succeed in my life. I have learnt a lot because now I can make several types of dresses (eg. shirts, blouses, skirt, short trousers, full dresses) and I usually enjoy it.
Our dog gave birth to new puppies and I like to see such creatures. Do you have a dog?
On Sunday I usually go to church where by we sing song of praising the highest God, memorizing verses from the Bible and even preaching the word of God. I always feel happy when I see people singing and praising God in our church.
It is through your support that I'm still in Compassion and by God's mercy unto me and also our family members.
I would like to share with you a verse from the Bible in the book of Psalms - chapter 121:1-4 "I look to the mountains where my help will come from? My help will come from the Lord, who made heaven and earth. He will not let you fall. Your protector is always awake. The protector of Israel never dozes or sleeps."
We have also started a new project of poultry keeping. They are small. They are one week old and in a few months they will be laying eggs. Do you also keep chickens?
In our community people are busy harvesting beans which is very wonderful to eat. Soon we shall be eating maize.
May the glory of God shine on you as you proceed on with your work. Get lots of thanks from your sponsored child as I thank you for the two wonderful gifts I have received from you. The first one was in April amounting to 642.25. I bought a very nice dress. And the other one was in July. I bought poles to start preparing a house. We have stayed for long without a house and I believe from the gift you are sending to me, I will be buying one item after the other until it will be complete. Otherwise, thank you for the good love you are showing me. Through your kind sponsorship our family will be domestically uplifted.
I am going on well with tailoring skill. I am now doing my last year. I will sit for grade III end of this year. I also think more about you as you do. And I will be praying for the Lord blessings to you. The letters you write to me are very much encouraging.
God bless you.