What country is your sponsored child from? Become experts of that country. I will do my best to post resources for each country Compassion is currently working in, beginning with India.
Compassion's work in India began in 1968. Currently, more than 114,100 children participate in 478 child development centers.
This is where your local library will come in handy. When I am looking for books to read about a country with my kids, I type "India juvenile" into the search box. This is usually a good starting point, and by adding "juvenile", it narrows the search to kid-friendly books.
**Disclaimer: India is a country where Hinduism and other religions/spiritual practices dominate the culture. Please use your own discretion when reading these books or using these resources with your own children.
India by Sunita Apte
India: The People (Lands, Peoples and Cultures) by Bobbie Kalman
India: The Culture (Lands, Peoples and Cultures) by Bobbie Kalman
India: The Land (Lands, Peoples and Cultures) by Bobbie Kalman
Travel Through India by Elaine Jackson
I is for India by Prodeepta Das
Look What Came From India by Miles Harvey
India ABCs by Marci Aboff
Indian Children's Favorite Stories by Rosemarie Somaiah
Prita Goes to India by Prodeepta Das
To Market! To Market! by Anushka Ravishankar
Going to School in India by Lisa Heydlauff
The Road to Mumbai by Ruth Jeyaveeran
The Drum: A Folktale From India by Rob Cleveland
Mama's Saris by Pooja Makhijani
Finders Keepers? by Robert Arnett
Taditional Designs from India (a Dover coloring book) by Marty Noble
It's Cool to Learn About Countries: India by Lucia Raatma
Sheba's Song by J. A. Harbison (also available on Amazon)
Voice of the Martyrs - Bold Believers in India
Lapbook -India
Free Printable (Maps, Flags, Coloring Pages):
Homeschool Creations - Asia
Geography - About.com
Other ideas:
Look for food from India in your grocery store
Cook a meal of ethnic dishes from India (many of the books above include recipes)
Eat a meal at an Indian restaurant
Visit an Indian grocery store
Listen to some Indian music
What ideas or resources can you add to this list?
To view my other country expert posts, go HERE.