Friday, June 10, 2011

Prayer Cards

We have a bit of problem when it comes to our Compassion family. It’s an incredibly good problem, but a problem nonetheless.
You see, we have a rather large Compassion family. It’s very hard to keep track of prayer requests and details. I seem to have a general idea, but that’s because I am the most involved in the whole sponsorship experience.
I’ve been trying to think of something I could create that would make our Compassion family more accessible and “friendly” to my own family.
My first thought was to create a notebook which would include a photo, a map and country info, the latest 2 or 3 letters and anything else. But I knew it would take a lot of time, and most likely sit on a shelf.
Then I had the idea of making prayer cards. Take a look…

I didn’t take photos of all of them, but you get the idea (hopefully). Each card has a photo of our sponsored child on the front, then country and family information on the back. I will use post-it notes to record prayer requests when we receive letters from our children.
I am looking forward to using these in a couple ways:
  • First, I want to specifically pray for one child each day – at breakfast with my girls and again at dinner as a family.
  • Secondly, when we get new letters, my plan is to save it until dinner to read. We can find that child’s card to remind us who the letter is from and where they live.
How do you keep track of your sponsored child’s prayer requests?
I'm linking up to Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family.


  1. Hi Jill... first of all, I got the book! Thank you again. Can't wait to get into it.

    Great idea about the prayer cards. We have a file folder for each sponsor child... not as visible, but it works!

  2. Great idea! I love it...I need a system of keeping and ongoing/yet up to date list of prayers requests for my kids, so I might try this out. I only have four, and it is still easy to forget their specific prayer requests.

  3. Fantastic idea, Jill.

    I think I just might steal it ...


  4. Hi Jill!! Love this idea. Oh and recieved the book(sorry I have been out of town) Thanks so Much. I look forward to getting into it!!

  5. Great idea!! I love the idea of a prayer card. We currently sponsor one child through Compassion.


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