Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mail Call

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Well, it's not Monday, but I did get 4 wonderful letters on Monday! 3 from India and 1 from Kenya. I'm trying something new this month...I am writing back, by hand, shortly after receiving the letter. Usually I read the letters and then file them away until my designated letter writing time. I'll likely save them and mail them all together, but I wanted to mix things up a little. 

 Bulu, in India, wrote....

Thank you very much for your lovely letter and card. It made me so glad. How are you and your family? We are fine here by God's graces doing well. It is rainy in India. We are enjoying a lot and getting all our needy things. In response to your letter we have not our own land to grow any food. We do not celebrate fathers and mothers day. It seems really good so I'll do it next time. After college I'll go for police training. We have lost forever Lipina. And Rahim is better now. Please pray for Sanel. He is another project friend who is too sick. May Lord God heal him soon. We are always thankful to you. Who is your best friend? Thanks once more. May God bless you. Keep writing. Yours, Bulu

At first I was a little puzzled by "we have lost forever Lipinia". But when I went through some older letters from 6 months ago, I found a prayer request for these boys in his project (Lipina and Rahim). It seems Lapina passed away. How my heart breaks for those in the project as they grieve the loss of friends. Would you join me in praying for Sanel, the other boy in the project who is now sick?

 Preeti's letter was full of answers from questions we had asked previously....

Greetings in the sweet name of Jesus Christ. (I just love how some of these letters are started!) I am doing well by God's grace and through your prayer. Thank you for your letter and nice pictures.  Yes, I have seen the ocean in Orissa. You asked me if I lose my teeth what I do. We have tradition when we loose our teeth. We throw our tooth on the roof and ask a sparrow to bring a new one. I live with my brothers, sisters, parents and relatives near by us. With whom are you living in your house? Kindly pray for my study and my parents. Thanking you! Your loving child, Preeti

We are really enjoying hearing the tooth traditions around the world!

 Another letter came from Ayon, also in India. Ayon also answered lots of our questions.

Thank you very much for your beautiful letter. I hope and pray that you are all well by His grace. I am fine with my family. Thank you very much for your beautiful card. I am happy to know you went to Canada for touring. I hope you all enjoyed that touring. You ask me if I have seen the ocean. Yes! I have seen the ocean when I went to Puri (a tourist place). Yes! I have seen Sydney's broken teeth and than you for sending me her beautiful picture. When I lose my teeth I threw it in the pond and wish to a fish to bring me a new one. You want to know about my family. My father's name is Babla Naskar. My mother's name is Tharna Naskar. My grandfather died a few years ago, but my grandmother lives with us. Her name is Sanaka Naskar. Every day I pray for you all. Please you pray for us. Stay well and good. Your loving, Ayon

Finally, a letter from Muchangi in Kenya (aka Dominic). I always get excited when we get his letters. They do not come  often - 3 or 4 a year - and I know our time with him is short.

I greet you in Jesus name. How is your family? I am going on well with my learning. I am now in 2nd year where we broke for attachment practicals in hospitals. I have learned how to attend to the patients for various tests. Please pray for me so that I may achieve my dreams of becoming a histopathologist. You had asked me what I like most in medical laboratory. I like processing various specimens from the patients. I also like getting a sample of blood from the patients for various tests. We also celebrate mother's day. I am glad that we share one thing in common. You asked whether we grow our own food. Yes, we do, but the rain is sometimes insufficient resulting in low or no yield.

You had requested I share what Compassion has done in our family. It has supported a lot in my education and various other ways. Through the gifts you send to me we are able to buy foodstuff, clothes for my younger brothers and parents. We are also able to purchase domestic animals like goats which helps us meet our needs. Thank you very much for the recent gift you sent me. We all thanked God for you.

I still attend Sunday service at our new church. I would like to share a memory verse from the book of Philippians 4:13 "I can do everything through him who gives me strength." May God bless you.
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