Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Reorganizing Our Letters

I spent some time this past weekend, reorganizing the letters we receive from our sponsored children. I’ve always kept our letters in binders and wrote about my previous method HERE.
I’ve been wanting to organize more by country and region and that’s what I set off to do this time.
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Previously I had 3 large binders, but they were getting quite full (such a good problem). Since I can’t imagine throwing these letters away, I had to expand my collection of binders. I love having photos on the sides so I can easily find which binder I’m looking for.
Like I said before, I arranged them by country / continent / region. I love the binders that have the plastic sleeve you can slip papers into. My hope is that these binders become more than a storage place for letters. I want my kids to be able to open these up and know about the country and area where our child lives. I will continue to personalize these, but for here are some examples of what I have done.
(acacia tree painting courtesy of Michelle)
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PERU (LDP correspondent)
(we have 5 children in India, plus CSP so I have 2 large India binders)
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(a photographer friend recently went to Honduras and gave me this photo)
There are others ~ South America, Central America, Dominican Republic ~ you get the idea.
Inside each binder I keep letters, photos and country information from each child.
I’m sure this won’t be the last time I re-organize my system of keeping letters, but I’m excited to have this project done. I even made 2 binders for the letters from children we no longer sponsor.
Do you keep letters from your sponsored children? If so, how do you organize them?
I'm linking up to Works for Me Wednesday at We are THAT Family.
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