Many people in our world die because they have no access to safe drinking water. As a family, talk about how easy it is for us to access water. Discuss what it might be like for your Compassion child - you can even write a letter and ask about the family's source of water.
When I was in Peru, none of the families we visited had running water in their homes. They would have to walk to a holding tank and get water to use in their home. This is how they kept it once they got it to their home.

Do something: Count the number of faucets inside and outside your home and gratefully donate $0.10, $0.25 or even $1 for each. Do you have bottled water? Consider donating $.010 or $.25 for each bottle in your home.
Compassion is currently raising funds for a water project in Tanzania - go HERE to read more and to donate.
I was amazed to learn we have 12 faucets in our home. Not only is water easily accessible, there is an abundance of sources right here in our house. This simple exercise made a great impact on my children.
Jill, I am not sure if you remember me. I rode the shuttle with you from the airport to the advocates conference out in Colorado back in 2009! Anyhow, I just wanted to say THANK YOU! This blog is truly a work of "heart" and a gift not only to families, but to advocates. I see it as a tool for me to use to send as a "gift" to sponsors as I see you highlight countries and subjects that might be of interest to them.
ReplyDeleteFor example: Today, I had a sweet gal from church contact me to let me know that her little boy wanted to have a "beans and rice" dinner in honor of his sponsored child in DR who will be celebrating a birthday this month. They also are ready to take on another sponsorship in the DR.
What a gift it was to send their family a link to your blog with the information on the DR being so simply and beautifuly laid out!
God bless you and your children for serving all sponsors in this way. You are encouraging sponsors to become more intimately involved in the lives of their kids....and that is POWERFUL!!
Love in Christ,
Debbi Akers
Huntsville, Alabama
Debbi - First of all, I do remember you! Second of all, thank you so much for your words of encouragement. To be honest, this has been a lot of work, and I've been doubting if it's worth my time. But the flip side is that I'm thinking about Compassion constantly - and learning so much about each country they work in.
ReplyDeleteWhat a great idea! Thanks, Jill.
ReplyDeleteAlso very cool about the comment above of your friend from the conference. God is good.
I know I say it all the time but I am so thankful for this blog and for YOU!
Have a blessed weekend!
much love,