Our next FIAR book is Cranberry Thanksgiving, so I decided to squeeze a week in between France and Thanksgiving to learn a little about Colombia! Here are the books we read:
(You may notice that the list is slightly different than the books on my plan because I wasn't able to find all my intended titles at the local library, so I subbed in some books that our library did have!)
We love both of these books so much that we want to buy copies for ourselves. Juanito keeps commenting on how beautiful Colombia is thanks to the great illustrations in the books! Of course we had to locate Colombia on the map...
Since we have three Compassion children from Colombia, we took some time to pray and make some artwork for them! And each of the kids posed with one of the Compassion kids' photos! I am going to scan the artwork and attach it with the child's photo to an online letter.
After talking a bit about our Compassion friends, Valeria, Kenedy, and Isabella, we tried playing Yeimy, a Colombian game that Valeria shared about in one of her letters!
And then we tried some arroz on leche, which the kids love.
We did narrations for both books. Since they tell the same story from two different perspectives, the stories merged a bit for Juanito (along some creative liberty):
Ana went to the park and went with her friends to the parque because she loves her friends. And then she sees a burro and Luis and libros. And then she went back home from the park and then ate her food and then went back to bed. The niños said, "Who are they?" They were burros and they had a sign that said Biblioburro. Ana, she had a libro for reading and writing.
Luis trae libros a los niños. Tuvo dos burros y tragó los libros. Luis dio a los niños, "Tengo una sorpresa de little piggy masks." Luis leer un libro a los niños. Los niños eligen libros. Luis vuelve a casa y da comida a los burros hambrientos. Diana da comida a su esposo Luis.
And Rosie's merged completely! Rosie really wanted me to draw Alfa and Beto (the two burros) for her to color, so I used this picture.
She and up. She got stay in her bed. Ana waked up and she go draw. She was waiting for the books. Biblioburro trae libros. Hombre se llama Luis Bodot. Alfa and Beto son Biblioburros. Dicen iii-ah. Ana wakes up. And she flies. Luis da niños sorpresa de libros.
We've had a great time learning about Colombia! This is our last country focus until the new year, but I hope to include some country studies in our advent plans, which should be forthcoming on this blog.
To view my complete plan for the year, click here. And here are the previous countries in the series:
About Hannah Hinojosa...Hannah is a long time Compassion sponsor and writes about her sponsorship journey at Because of Shamim. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a part-time math professor and loves to read.
Crystal · 435 weeks ago
hinojosa31 71p · 433 weeks ago