So far my words have been...
2010 - love
2011 - quiet (silent)
2012 - listen
2013 - slow
2014 - serve
2015 - enough
During advent I realized my favorite Christmas songs are "O Come, O Come Emmanuel", "O Come Let Us Adore Him" and "Come Thou Long Expected Jesus". I made the connection that they all have the word "come", but that thought stopped there.
Then my mom came to visit and one of her gifts to me was a journal for 2016...
All of a sudden I knew my word for 2016....
- to move or travel toward or into a place thought of as near or familiar to the speaker
- to move toward something; approach
- to move or journey to a vicinity with a specified purpose
I am eager to move toward - to approach my Savior this year. I'm considering a monthly post, summarizing and sharing what I've learned . In the meantime, I'd love to hear if you've chosen a word for 2016.
Crystal · 479 weeks ago
Hannah H. · 479 weeks ago