Earlier this week I receive a letter from one of the mothers who participates in India's Hope Child Survival Program ~ the CSP we sponsor.
I thought it might be fun to give you a more personal look into this program and share part of her letter with you. It beautifully illustrates how practical Compassion ministers to the needs of those involved in CSP.
It answers the question, "What does my sponsorship money provide?"
"My name is Deepa. I am in the Child Survival Program for the past two years and nine months. I got registered with CSP when I was three months pregnant.After getting registered with CSP I received all necessary materials for my baby. We get milk every day. We get fresh vegetables three days in a week. We get greens two days in a week. We get fruits once in a week. We get weening food monthly twice. We also get chicken monthly once. We were taught how to do family budget. We received the necessary materials as water filter, family mosquito net, umbrella, milk cooker, floor mat and bed sheet. We received dress for my child, sari for me, sweets as Christmas gift.Before getting registered with CSP we were not able to lead a peaceful life. I was saved after getting registered with CSP. I received our Lord as my personal Savior. Now I am happy and peaceful.Because of CSP my day to day needs are met."
Child Survival Program is different from individual child sponsorship in that you do not have the opportunity to develop relationships with the participants. There is no letter writing, but you will receive letters like these from participants. There is no one-on-one connection, but you can pray for all the participants. This is an investment... a financial contribution that is reaping great rewards. Ideally, CSP participants will be released from poverty and have no need to enroll in Compassion's sponsorship program.
If you are interested in sponsoring a CSP, let me know in the comments and I'll get the information to you.
great post!!!!!
ReplyDeleteWhat a praise!!!! Thanks for sharing her letter!!!!