Friday, January 27, 2012
From Kenya With Love - Letter #12
Are you enjoying these letters? I sure am. It has been so good for me to go back and read these letters and remember this special girl. It's been 11 years since our sponsorship ended and it's been fun to re-live it a bit. This girl who is now a young woman, played such an important role in my life and my faith. If only she knew.
So this is the 12th letter I received from Judith, and this one dates back to 1996.
Dear Jill,
I thank God for enabling me to write to you. Happy New Year of 1996. Thanks very much for the Christmas gift. I bought some clothes for Christmas and also I remember my God and took ksh201 to church. Your love for me is so great and you really have a good spirit towards I and my family.
When we received the money I and my mother we were glad and thanked God first. After that we went to the market and we bought clothes. I was promoted to the next class which is stb eight. Through the love of Jesus Christ our Saviour and I was positioned 18 out of 31. In my school I like learning English and Kiswahili. I had a nice Christmas day. I believe you had the same. I like such good days. I'm praying for you and I hope you're doing the same. I bed to say, may the Almighty Father be with you. Best wishes and a happy new years greetings to your family.
From your child, Judith Wanga
Did you read that? She tithed her gift from me! What a beautiful example this young lady is.