Have you not heard about Compassion’s Correspondent Sponsor
Program? I took time to interview my daughter, Kelsey, who is now 14 years old,
to share a bit about her involvement as a Correspondent Sponsor:
1. Give me a simple explanation of
what a correspondent sponsor is.
Kelsey: A correspondent sponsor is someone who writes letters to a sponsored child whose sponsor has decided to not write to the child. (Note from Yvonne: sometimes a corporation will sponsor a large number of children at one time and they turn over the letter writing responsibilities to people on the Correspondent Sponsor waiting list)
2. Tell me a little bit about your
correspondent kids.
My correspondent children are very fun. They have told me that they are
glad to write and are doing very well where they are. My correspondent children
are: Mamata and Kawllian from India, Alesi from Uganda, and Andres from
Colombia. (Note from Yvonne: Kelsey also writes to her own sponsored child,
Alfredo, in Mexico)
3. How often do you write to your
correspondent kids?
Every time my correspondent kids write to me I write back
4. What do you love about being a correspondent sponsor?
letters to them and asking questions and hearing about what they want to do when they grow up.
5. What would you say to encourage more people to become a correspondent sponsor?
So what do you think? Are you ready to be a Correspondent Sponsor? If so, call Compassion at the 800# (1-800-336-7676) during their regular business hours and they can put your name on the waiting list to become a Correspondent Sponsor.
About Yvonne Reynolds...Yvonne is very active when it comes to sponsorship and advocacy for Compassion. She maintains Compassion's Second Friday Letter Writing Pinterest board. Yvonne is a homeschooling mom who likes to read, bake and take photographs. You can find her blogging at Our Little Corner of the World.
berry31 64p · 550 weeks ago
yvonnelreynolds 51p · 550 weeks ago
Heidi · 549 weeks ago
fiddlejill 88p · 549 weeks ago
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