This week you can go to Africa with Ann Voskamp and her daughter and next week you can go to Nicaragua with a whole handful of bloggers and their fearless leader, Shaun Groves.
Uganda, Africa ~ Ann and her daughter are headed to Uganda where they will get to meet Katie Davis, as well as see the work of Compassion. I'm not sure if Ann will be blogging during the trip, but know you can follow her on instagram, facebook and/or twitter.
Shaun Groves and a whole new team of bloggers are headed to Nicaragua next week for another eye opening report from the field.
Here's the roster of who will be blogging live from Nicaragua next week:
- Shaun Groves at
- Brianne McKoy at Compassion
- Keely Scott at
- Christy Jordan at Southern Plate
- Edie at Life In Grace
- Kelly at Faithful Provisions
- Traci at Beneath My Heart
- Mike Varel at Mike Varel Digital Storytelling
I don't know about you, but I'm super excited to hear about their adventures. Would join me in praying for them all? For their health, safety and for them to be able to communicate the need to their audiences?