I'm so excited to be posting a Mail Call Monday! I am happy to be linking up with Michelle, from Blogging From the Boonies for this.
It seems like my letter drought is coming to an end and the letters are beginning to roll in. Today there were two beautiful, cream colored envelopes in the mailbox.
I always tear these things open to see who we are getting a letter from. I'd like to think that I get equally excited about each child's letters, but the truth is that I get a little more excited when I receive letters from certain children.
So imagine my excitement when I saw that we had a letter from Dominic Muchangi in Kenya. We don't hear from him often, and I hadn't heard anything from him since before Julie traveled there in March, met him and delivered some gifts from us to him.
I scanned the letters in so you could see the great paper we get from Kenya.

Dear Kevin and Jill Foley,
Receive much greetings from your child Dominic. It is my hope and prayer that you are fine and your family too. We are also fine in our family. I am glad that God has enabled me to have a chance to talk to you through this letter.
I was very glad to receive the gifts that you sent through your friend who had visited our project. We interacted with them and we shared a lot. It was a very blessing day in my life. She told me that her boy had suffered from cancer but he is now well. Please pray for their boy so as to grow and have good health.
I would like to give special thanks to you and your family for your concern in my life. May Almighty God help you do great exploits. Thank you so much because of your letters. I was very happy to see a calendar and my photo in it. In your letter you had asked me whether I have ever seen snow, I have never seen it. Do you have mountains near your home where you usually see snow?
I am glad that your mom has sponsored two children in our country Kenya. Do you know the names of the children?
We have celebrated our Easter well, our pastor led us with prayers and songs to praise God. We are doing well at home. My brother joined a boarding primary school. I still attend church service. I am a youth chairman in our church.
It is sad that Sydney's pet died. What happened to it? What does her new pet eat? We also have a new cat but we have not yet suggested its name. Please tell my sisters to suggest the best name for the cat.
I would like to share a verse from the book of Psalm 9:1 "I will praise you Lord with my heart, I will tell you all the wonderful things you have done."
I LOVE that he asked my girls to suggest a name for their cat! My girls have been thinking all afternoon of the best name to suggest to him.
I also LOVE that he asked me to pray for Julie's son and his continued good health.
The second letter was from Preeti in India. As soon as I started opening the envelope I could feel that there was a photo inside. I always get excited to receive extra photos!
I scanned this letter in also because the paper is so pretty.

Preeti was thanking us for the birthday gift we sent her. With the money she was able to buy a dress, a tray plate, a steel glass and chocolate. I love seeing her with her new gifts.
What a great way to start my week! Did you receive any letters today? If so, be sure to visit Michelle's blog and link up to her Mail Call Monday.