
Friday, December 23, 2011

From Kenya With Love - Letter #7

This  is the seventh letter I received from Judith, my first sponsored child, who lives in Kenya. These letters date back to 1995 when Judith was 15 years old.
Dear Jill,
It's another time to thank my God for what he does for me since I was born up to now. I and my family  we are joyful and we thanking God so much. And hope you and your family are okay. Here I'm also fairing well with my studies at school and we were posted three teachers at our school between those three teachers one is our class teacher and his name is Mr. Gerishom Okochi. We love him because he is our mathematics teacher and he teaches well. On special events taking place in the country we have safari rally which did not pass in our province. They passed other parts of our country. During Easter April we all gathered at our church and praised God. After that they brought a wine and then we took. What is happening in our home right now is weeding of maize and beans. I sometimes assist my parents to weed when we have closed and also wash plates after eating and sometimes I collected firewood. I pray that God may bless you and your family accordingly. Good bye.