Thursday, December 29, 2011
From Kenya With Love - Letter #8
This is the eighth letter I received from Judith, my first sponsored child, who lives in Kenya. These letters date back to 1995 when Judith was 15 years old.
Dear Jill,
The love of Jesus Christ fills in my heart as I continue to get letters from you. I send you God's blessings. You are special in my life. I hope and believe that you are fine. Thanks a lot for telling me more about your country. I hope and pray for you to have success in life. My favorite color is dark orange. And on side of animal is a cow because is so good for providing milk, meat, skin and manure. I have pleasure to thank you for sending me a photo. I was happy to see grandmother, mom and you. It is difficult to say mom is older than you. She still young. How old is grandmother and mom?
I am learning well and I am preparing to do my end term examination. I hope to do well. The school term will close in August and I would be free to assist my parents with work.
Last Sunday I had a scripture from the book of Proverbs 3:1-3 that I should keep loyalty and faithfulness in my heart. Thank you for showing constant love to me. I remember you in my special prayers.
God bless you. Your lonely friend in Christ.
From your sponsored child, Judith Wanga