
Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Confessions of a Compassion Sponsor

This blog is a place where I can dump my ideas and write posts about upcoming events that are usually Compassion related. Because I'm posting about all these things, you might have the impression that I'm some kind of "super" sponsor/advocate. But let's get one thing straight....I'm not.

The truth is, I'm a busy, homeschooling mama who also teaches violin. I do not have the energy or time to do everything I write about. And sometimes, I just get lazy.

Here are some of my confessions....

  • I often dread letter writing time because of how long it takes me to get all my letters written. But I NEVER regret taking the time to write.

  • After brushing our teeth outside, I wimped out on World Water Day. (My plan was to only use one faucet all day - the one outside).

  • I don't enjoy working concerts as an advocate. (I was reminded of this when I worked the Rock and Worship Roadshow at the beginning of March. Events are just not my thing, and that's OK.)

Do you have any confessions to make?