
Thursday, April 4, 2013


I logged into my Compassion account today because yesterday we received an updated photo of Joseph in Tanzania. I was curious to see if any of our other kids had updated photos...

As I began scrolling through our sponsored kids photos, I noticed two new faces!!

Antoni in the Dominican Republic

Veronica, also in the Dominican Republic

Apparently we've been assigned two more correspondence kids ~ what a joy and what a blessing it will be to be able to write to these kids. It's my dream to go to the Dominican Republic, and if I do, I will get to meet these kiddos! (It's also my dream to go to Kenya....and just about every other country in the world!)

Part of me feels overwhelmed at the idea of adding two more kids...I've never written to 24 kids before. I might have to come up with a new system or at least spread my letter writing out and not try to do it all at once. But another part of me knows this is a very small thing I can do to make a very big difference in the lives of these children.

Now I'm glad I've procrastinated in writing my introductory letters to Stephen and I can write all four and I plan to do it TODAY!

Have you had any surprises lately?