I recently received 5 letters from 5 different Compassion center directors around the world. As much as I love letters from my sponsored children and letters from pastors, these letters are a gold mine!
If you want to know how each Compassion project is run, then this type of letter will give you all that information. I don't know for sure, but I would guess that most Compassion projects within a country operate in a similar fashion. So even if your child doesn't attend this particular project, chances are he or she experience a similar thing in their Compassion project. I know that it varies greatly from country to country, but within a country...probably not so much.
Today I'm sharing the final letter - a letter from Ghana. In case you missed them, you can read the letters I've shared from Nicaragua, Tanzania, East India and Bolivia.
And now, a letter from Ghana...
GH 402 ~ Immanuel Presby Child Development Center
Dear Kevin and Jill,
I am Seth M. BAadu, the project director of the Immanuel Presby Child Development Center, where your sponsored child Portia attends. The project is located at Madina Accra, in the Greater Accra region of Ghana.
We are much grateful because your support to Portia has changed her life, and brought smiles on the face of her and her family.
On a typical meeting day the children gather for devotions, which is normally led by some of the children, especially the adolescents. After devotion they go and take their breakfast, then go to their various age-graded classrooms. This spiritual development inculcated in the children has enabled most of them, including some Muslims, to attend our children's service on Sundays. The Muslim children in the project participate in Bible reading, memorize verses from the Bible and sing Christian songs.
After the teaching of the curriculum, the children go for lunch after which the time for extracurricular activities like cultural clubs, debate clubs, Red Cross clubs, and beadmaking also take place.
The project is of the view that a healthy mind is always found in a healthy body, so children are taught to practice cleanliness and to exercise their bodies for a healthy life. In addition, the children are supplied with toothpaste, toothbrushes and handkerchiefs. When they are sick, they are referred to the Madina Polyclinic for treatment at the expense of the project. Some of them who have not been registered with health insurance have now been registered and have cards to attend hospitals at any time.
Children are taught to make responsible decisions, have confidence in themselves, live interdependently and behave appropriately in their environment. Children are taught to read and write. Most of them are able to read the Bible, write and do simple calculations. Handicrafts were introduced, and so they have advanced in crocheting, doormat weaving and making of beads.
The project has impacted positively on the children. They have confidence in themselves and are committed to learn and improve. Parents are also relieved of some commitments by the projects through the payment of school levies, provision of clothing through sponsors' monthly support and the serving of balanced diet to the children at the project.
Caregivers have been equipped with education on health and sanitation, and our visits to the homes of some of these caregivers have shown good management of their environmental surroundings due to the things they have been taught. Some guardians of the children who received family gifts have used some of the gifts to start income-generating activities, and the profits from these activities have helped their families in many ways.
Sponsors and children are interacting very well, and it has also improved the children's ability of speaking and writing the English language through letter writing. When the time comes for children to write letters, they get so excited because it gives them the chance to connect again with their sponsors. I request for prayer that the center continues to have committed workers, volunteers and project staff, and also that these kids who are growing rapidly under our care will become good and useful future leaders.
I also pray for the Good Lord to bless all sponsors and their families in all that they do to prosper in many ways. I once again thank you so much for what you are doing for Portia. May the Lord richly bless you.
Yours faithfully,
Seth M. Baadu
I am Seth M. BAadu, the project director of the Immanuel Presby Child Development Center, where your sponsored child Portia attends. The project is located at Madina Accra, in the Greater Accra region of Ghana.
We are much grateful because your support to Portia has changed her life, and brought smiles on the face of her and her family.
On a typical meeting day the children gather for devotions, which is normally led by some of the children, especially the adolescents. After devotion they go and take their breakfast, then go to their various age-graded classrooms. This spiritual development inculcated in the children has enabled most of them, including some Muslims, to attend our children's service on Sundays. The Muslim children in the project participate in Bible reading, memorize verses from the Bible and sing Christian songs.
After the teaching of the curriculum, the children go for lunch after which the time for extracurricular activities like cultural clubs, debate clubs, Red Cross clubs, and beadmaking also take place.
The project is of the view that a healthy mind is always found in a healthy body, so children are taught to practice cleanliness and to exercise their bodies for a healthy life. In addition, the children are supplied with toothpaste, toothbrushes and handkerchiefs. When they are sick, they are referred to the Madina Polyclinic for treatment at the expense of the project. Some of them who have not been registered with health insurance have now been registered and have cards to attend hospitals at any time.
Children are taught to make responsible decisions, have confidence in themselves, live interdependently and behave appropriately in their environment. Children are taught to read and write. Most of them are able to read the Bible, write and do simple calculations. Handicrafts were introduced, and so they have advanced in crocheting, doormat weaving and making of beads.
The project has impacted positively on the children. They have confidence in themselves and are committed to learn and improve. Parents are also relieved of some commitments by the projects through the payment of school levies, provision of clothing through sponsors' monthly support and the serving of balanced diet to the children at the project.
Caregivers have been equipped with education on health and sanitation, and our visits to the homes of some of these caregivers have shown good management of their environmental surroundings due to the things they have been taught. Some guardians of the children who received family gifts have used some of the gifts to start income-generating activities, and the profits from these activities have helped their families in many ways.
Sponsors and children are interacting very well, and it has also improved the children's ability of speaking and writing the English language through letter writing. When the time comes for children to write letters, they get so excited because it gives them the chance to connect again with their sponsors. I request for prayer that the center continues to have committed workers, volunteers and project staff, and also that these kids who are growing rapidly under our care will become good and useful future leaders.
I also pray for the Good Lord to bless all sponsors and their families in all that they do to prosper in many ways. I once again thank you so much for what you are doing for Portia. May the Lord richly bless you.
Yours faithfully,
Seth M. Baadu
berry31 64p · 566 weeks ago
Crystal · 566 weeks ago