
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Compassion Sunday ~ My Story

Do you know my story?

Do you know how God used a beautiful Kenyan girl to change my story?

Do you know how the ministry of Compassion International has changed and shaped my family and how we approach missions?

There's someone I'd like you to meet.....

This is Judith ~ the beautiful, Kenyan girl God matched me up with when I first began my sponsorship journey back in 1994. What started out as one college girl's attempts to change the world has resulted in a deep, life long desire to serve God through serving and caring for the orphan, the widow and the impoverished. 

The statistics and facts of poverty are overwhelming and downright depressing. But God is using ministries like Compassion International to do the unimaginable. God is using child sponsorship to release children from poverty. And when a child is released from poverty....a family is affected. And when a family is affected....a community is affected. When enough communities are affected....countries will feel the change. 

I believe in the ministry of child sponsorship. Through the years God has allowed us to welcome many children into our lives - some for a short time and others for many years. God has allowed both my husband and I to travel to Peru and Nicaragua and witness the effects of this ministry first hand. God has brought many formerly sponsored children into our lives these past few years and each one is a living testimony to the power and work of child sponsorship.

I have poured 19 years of my life into child sponsorship and the impact it's had on me has been life changing. It's one of those "this is so wonderful I have to share it with everyone" types of experiences.

And that's what I'm doing. Sharing this opportunity with you. I've set up a Share My Story page and I'd like to invite you to head on over and visit. 

There's a beautiful girl named Abril from Mexico that needs a sponsor. She needs you. 

I chose Abril for several reasons...First of all, her name is Abril which means April. Secondly, her birthday is April 21st - the official date of the annual Compassion Sunday campaign. And finally, she lives in Mexico - I'm headed to Mexico later this month to spend some time at an orphanage. For the past 10 months when I've thought about April, I've thought about Mexico. 

The time is now. Will you answer the call?