
Friday, April 20, 2018

Learning About Korea, Indonesia & the Philippines!

Most of our books were about Korea, but since we have Compassion children in Indonesia and the Philippines, I wanted to also visit them! Our booklist was inspired by Give Your Child the World:

  • The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
  • Bee-Bim Bop! by Linda Sue Park
  • Firekeeper's Son by Linda Sue Park
  • My Name is Yoon by Helen Recorvits
  • Dear Juno by Soyung Pak
  • Goyangi Means Cat by Christine McDonnell
  • Jin Woo by Eve Bunting
  • The Twins' Blanket by Hyewon Yum
  • Cora Cooks Pancit by Dorina Lazo Gilmore
  • Pan de Sal Saves the Day by Norma Olizon-Chikiamco
  • A Crocodile's Tale by Jose Aruego

    Juanito loved A Crocodile's Tale since the main character had his name (in addition to the story being fun!). He also really enjoyed Firekeeper's Son and Pan de Sal Saves the Day. Rosie loved Cora Cooks Pancit, and the illustrations are just gorgeous, with a recipe in the back! And Bee-Bim Bop! was a favorite with everyone, including José, since the book rhymes; it also includes a recipe, and I want to buy both books now for future reading and reference!

    Since we sponsor Jenny in Indonesia and Earl John from the Philippines via Compassion, we wrote to them and spent some time watching Compassion videos!

    Juanito's narration:

    Juan salva el cocodrilo. El cocodrilo quiere comer Juan. Vieron una canasta, y la canasta dice, "Puede comer Juan." Luego, vieron un sombrero, y el sombrero dice, "Puede comer Juan." Y Juan dice, "¡No! Permíteme a pedir el mono." Y el mono salva Juan. Y Juan dice a su papi, "Sembra arboles de bananas."
    - A Crocodile's Tale

    Rosie's narration:

    Cora lame la cuchara. Cora quiere ayudar la mami cocinar. Cora quien cocinar pancit. Ella come un mordisco de pollo. Las hermanas grandes de Cora fueran afuera. Ella mezcla y se cayeron champiñones. La familia comieron pancit y le gustaban. Cora se siente feliz.
    - Cora Cooks Pancit

    We made Korean beef bowl, eggplant stir-fry, and chicken curry! All of these were based on recipes I often make. And the for co-op snacks, we bought rice buns filled with meat from the local Filipino market! And litchi jellies!

    For co-op activities, we created Filipino Sarimanok birds and Indonesian Batik art! I also found these fun coloring pages of traditional Filipino clothes!

    Next we are heading to Australia, the last country for the year! I had originally planned on "visiting" Ethiopia and Egypt, but we'll head there in the fall when we study Ancient Civilizations.

    Here are the previous countries in the series:
  • China
  • Spain
  • Tanzania
  • France
  • Colombia
  • Ghana
  • Italy
  • Thailand
  • Peru
  • India & Pakistan
  • Mexico
  • Brazil
  • Central and Southern Africa
  • The Middle East
  • Japan
  • Central America
  • Northern Europe
  • Canada & Arctic
  • The Caribbean
  • Russia
  • West Africa
  • Argentina

    About Hannah Hinojosa...Hannah is a long time Compassion sponsor and writes about her sponsorship journey at Because of Shamim. In addition to being a wife and mother, she is a part-time math professor and loves to read.