
Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Josseling in Nicaragua

I love all our Compassion kids, but after being a sponsor for more than 20 years now, there are a few who really stick out and hold a special place in my heart. The common thread is that we've sponsored them for a long time - 12 years - and seen them through from childhood to adulthood.

Josseling is one of those, and maybe it's even more special that both my husband and I got to meet her on separate trips to Nicaragua. We've both met her mom and siblings and stood in her home. We've toured her Compassion project and walked the streets of her community.

October 10, 1997

Our sponsorship began in January 2003 when she was five years old. The first letter we received was dated March 28, 2003 and over the course of 12 years we received 50 letters. 

Miscellaneous information from the letters:
  • lives with mother and siblings (Henry, Gerardoo and Mercedes pictured above)
  • at the project: likes to play with friends, pray, play sports and Bible games. Also learns to compose songs and then sing them. 
  • bought a new blue dress and black shoes with money we sent

  • studied computing at the project, also learned baking (how to make cookies)
  • soccer league in the project and Josseling liked to play
  • project often had pinatas at different celebrations
  • project organized camping trip and Josseling participated
  • favorite verse - Proverbs 4:13, Psalm 23:1
  • participated in evangelist campaign
  • mother not a Christian - often asked for us to pray for her
  • August 2010 - surgery for umbilical hernia
  • 2013 - cousin Aurita passed away - she was 17 years old
  • late 2013 - new baby brother
  • January 2015 - finished high school and began university - studying journalism

Mirra Olor Fragante NI-111

She says she likes to attend the project because she likes to learn more about Jesus everyday. She says she likes to read the Bible, to pray and to sing. 

I am so happy because of the gift that I received from you. I went shopping with the project's sisters to the market of Ciudad Sandino. There are many clothes and shoe stores. I bought 3 pairs of shoes, sneakers, blouses, black pants, 3 pair of slippers and underwear. I loved underwear. I say thanks to you a lot for the gift that I received. 

almost every letter had a little drawing - butterflies were common subjects

Kevin's visit to Nicaragua in January 2012

Jill's visit to Nicaragua in January 2015

final letter....(received Sept. 2015)

Dear Sponsors Kevin and Jill,  
I send you warm greetings and I thank you for the beautiful sponsorship you gave me in all this time that I was part of the ministry and I got a lot of blessings from God and one of them was to be your sponsored child. I enjoyed birthdays, Christmas parties, medical checkups, scholar packages and it was a big help to me. I also studied computing and it helped me a lot and I am at the university and have taken advantage of it and I hope I can help other children in the future as you were a blessing to me. I also thank you for your gifts. I say goodbye to you and I will always pray for you and I will take you in my heart. Wishing you the best I say good bye to you and I hope God pour many blessings on you. With love, Josseling