
Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Compassion ABC's: A is for...

A is for....ADVOCACY


noun...a person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause or policy.
verb...publicly recommend or support.

Whether or not you are an official member of Compassion's Advocate Network, YOU can speak up and spread the word of Compassion's ministry to those around you. 

Take a minute to watch this video... 

Speak Up for One Child from Compassion International on Vimeo.

Advocacy can take on many forms and look different for each person.

It can look like wearing a t-shirt. It can look like working at a concert. It can look like talking about your sponsored child with your neighbor or friend, It can look like doing a Compassion Sunday presentation. It can look like sharing the gift catalog with your small group. It can look like writing a Compassion themed blog. It can look like running in a race.

Advocacy has many faces and one spread the message of sponsorship and to help release children from poverty in Jesus name.

Want to learn more? Go HERE and HERE for more information and ideas. I also wrote more about the advocate network HERE.