
Thursday, October 31, 2013

October Compassion Joys

a new Compassion JOY Dare button -with a code you can grab!
(THANK YOU to Kevin Reynolds for designing it!)

my first published blog post on Compassion's blog

visit to Compassion's Global Ministry Center in Colorado Springs

meeting Jacquie Parello (Compassion employee)

letters from Ayon, Rubi, Veronica and Josseling

31 days of Compassion series here on Compassion Family

Happy Birthday Josseling in Nicaragua
turned 16 on October 10

Happy Birthday Lian in Colombia
turned 9 on October 10

Happy Birthday Joylyne in Kenya (Kayleigh's birthday buddy)
turned 7 on October 12

updated photo of Ayon

19th sponsorship anniversary

Christmas cards for unsponsored children - written with fellow church members

Meeting Marlennis Diaz - formerly sponsored child from Dominican Republic

OneMealOneDay photo scavenger hunt
click HERE to see all my photos


And now it's your turn! Here are some guidelines for you to follow for this link-up:
  1. Link up by entering the URL to your blog post (make sure it's a link to the actual blog post and not just your blog).
  2. Be sure to link back here to Compassion Family and tell others you are doing so. Feel free to grab the button code for your post (it's on the right side of the blog).
  3. Set aside some time to visit the other participants and leave some comment love.
  4. Begin taking notes and making a list for next month.
I should also mention that I reserve the right to remove anyone's submission if it fails to meet the link-up requirements or is inappropriate.