
Monday, September 30, 2013

September Compassion Joys

letters from Jerry, Joseph, Ruth, Emanuel, Joylyne, Portia, 
Nadege, Mwanizia, Duncan, Antony and Hondy

a new photo of Emaunel with the new desk he was able to purchase

Compassion blog month

Maria from Colombia sponsored!

email and photo from Dominic

updated photo of Alejandrina Jazmin in Peru

Happy Birthday to Nadege in Burkina Faso
7 years old on September 25

And now it's your turn! I am still trying to figure out how to write the code for my button - in a way you can grab the code and add it to your post so it will link back here. I've done it in the past (with success even), but this time it's not working.

In the meantime, here are some guidelines for you to follow for this link-up:

  1. Link up by entering the URL to your blog post (make sure it's a link to the actual blog post and not just your blog).
  2. Be sure to link back here to Compassion Family and tell others you are doing so. Feel free to grab the button image for your post.
  3. Set aside some time to visit the other participants and leave some comment love.
  4. Begin taking notes and making a list for next month.
I should also mention that I reserve the right to remove anyone's submission if it fails to meet the link-up requirements or is inappropriate. 

Also joining Ann with Multitude Mondays today.