Monday, September 30, 2013
October at Compassion Family ~ 31 Days of Compassion International
Have you head of the annual blogging tradition called 31 days? This is the fifth year The Nester is hosting the series and the first year I'll be participating. The idea is to pick a topic and write about it every single day during the month of October.
The topic I've chosen....Compassion International!
Shocking, isn't it? A blog about Compassion is going to be posting about Compassion! You're scratching your head right now thinking..."You always only post about Compassion. How will this month be any different than any other month?"
Well...for starters, I'll be posting every single day. And instead of posting ideas that you can write about or things you can try with your family, I'll be posting details about the ministry of Compassion.
I wonder how well you really know the ministry of Compassion International. You might be a sponsor or an advocate, a new or long-time member of the family. I've been around for 19 years and I don't know everything about Compassion. As I was planning for this series, I realized there is a lot to know.
So during the month of October, each day we'll be taking a look at what Compassion is about, what they offer us as sponsors and where we can find them.
I'm excited and I hope you are too. I know we'll all learn something new about this wonderful ministry this month!