
Friday, September 14, 2012

How Did YOU Hear About Compassion?

A discussion over at Compassion's blog the other day made me reminisce about when I first heard about Compassion's ministry.

It was 1994 and I was a junior Eastern Mennonite University. Being a Christian college, we  had chapel three times a week and it was during one of those chapel services that I was introduced to the work of Compassion International. Bart Campolo spoke to us and I don't remember at all what he said, but I do remember being compelled to sponsor a child. After chapel, I went back to my dorm room, found an old copy of CCM magazine and cut out a Compassion ad, requesting a child to sponsor.

And that child was Judith. Sweet, precious Judith from Kenya.

I would love to meet Mr. Campolo someday and thank him for sharing the ministry of Compassion with me that day. It was the beginning of a life-long journey....a journey that has and continues to change my life.

One year ago today I met two of my "heroes"....

Although I didn't hear about Compassion through their efforts, I have always appreciated and admired their willingness to use their influence to spread the work of Compassion. Although I was extremely nervous and didn't know what to say to them, I did remember to thank them for their years and years of dedication to this ministry. It was really cool to hear them present Compassion together.

So how about you....

How did YOU hear about Compassion? 

I would love to hear your story in the comments.