
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Start Thinking About Shoeboxes

This post is not particularly about Compassion, but rather about another popular and important ministry that so many of us are involved in....

Operation Christmas Child Shoeboxes

Last year I wrote about stocking up on back-to-school supplies and that's basically what I want to say again today. This is a GREAT time to get rock-bottom prices on crayons, small notebooks, markers, pencils and other goodies that so nicely fit in a shoebox. I know from years past that different stores rotate sale items so it's worth checking every week to see what is on sale. 

If this is all new to you and you want to learn more, please go to the Operation Christmas Child website and read all about this incredible ministry. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this ministry because it is a GREAT way to get your own children involved in hands-on mission work.