
Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Write to Your Kids!! ~ another correspondence kit giveaway

Another month has passed and it’s time to write another round of letters to our sponsored children.

I did many happy dances at the mailbox this month having received 12 letters, 2 updated photos and one “Step into your child’s world”.


One of those letters was a first letter from Cilia LDP student in Honduras. I also received two letters from David, LDP student in Peru. Another was from Dominic, our 20 year old sponsored boy (young man) in Kenya. All the letters we receive are precious, but it seems extra special if they are first letters or letters from well-established relationships.

In a previous letter I had asked David about his CDSP sponsor and their relationship. This is what he wrote….

“His name was Jorge and something I treasure is the pictures he sent me because I could know him and felt more identified with the person who gave me his support. Now that I think about those years, I got only a few letters from him. I believe that when someone becomes a sponsor, he and his sponsored student should keep in touch because this helps the student feel more identified with Compassion and know that someone or several people are praying for his growth and his triumph on every challenge in each area of his life so the student follow the sponsor’s steps. My former sponsor was a role model to me because of what he did in his life, family and church. This motivated me to continue to study and achieve my goal of going to college and not to stay in the same conditions.”

What a fantastic observation on his part, and what a privilege for us ~ to be role models for these children we sponsor. I hope you are encouraged by David’s words.

After writing my letters, I gathered up the pictures and drawings my children have done over the past month. Some days the production of these is so high that I begin to collect them and stash them away for later inclusion in letters. I was encouraged by a recent blog post on Compassion’s blog to continue to include artwork with my letters.


This time I used different paper for my boys and girls. I’ve sent so much “girly” paper to my boys, I decided to send something a little more “boyish” to them. My stash of girly paper is much larger than my stash of boyish paper….


Now I’m off to the post office to get these on their way. Before I go, it’s time for another correspondence kit giveaway.

Each correspondent kit will have 13 fun sheets of paper (one for each month of the year and one for birthday) and extra goodies to included in your letters. You will have your choice of young girl, teen girl, young boy or teen boy. To see samples, go HERE.

To enter:

  • Write your child and leave a comment letting me know you did this (anytime this month counts)
  • Simply tell me you’d like to win
  • Spread the word about this giveaway (facebook, twitter, OC, your blog, email, etc)….leave a comment telling me how you did this
  • If you haven’t already, tell me about your Compassion kids
***if you have trouble commenting, email me at fiddlejill(at)yahoo(dot)com and I'll get you entered.

I will put your name in for each of the above items. If you write to your kids, tell me you want to win and post this on facebook, you'll be entered 3 times.

I’ll draw 2 winners on Friday, August 19 and post the results at noon EST. Be sure to come back and see if you won.