
Saturday, May 7, 2011

Happy Mother’s Day

Hopefully most of our sponsored children are living with their mothers. Let’s take a break from our scheduled weekly prayer topics and pray specifically for the mothers of our sponsored children today and this week.
Pray for their health
Pray for their safety
Pray for their self-esteem
Pray for their salvation
Pray for perseverance
Pray that they would trust in God
Pray for their marriages
….the list goes on and on.
Put yourself in their shoes for a moment….if a complete stranger chose to sponsor your child ~ to help financially, to build a relationship through letters, to pray for your child and your family ~ wouldn’t you be grateful?
These mothers are undoubtedly grateful for YOU. Next time you write to your sponsored child, send a special greeting to the child’s mother.

I had the honor and privilege of meeting three wonderful mothers last year in Peru.
jill's 241   Diana (mother of Jazmin)

jill's 240Emerita (mother of David, LDP student)

jill's 013 Elisa (mother of Emanuel)


  1. This year was the first year I made special mother's day notes for my children whose moms are living. I don't know what took me so long, but I think it is a wonderful thing to do, and praying for the moms is so important. I need to do that more!

  2. Rebecca,

    I thought of that too...but too late to get them there for Mother's day. I'm still hoping to write cards for the mom's and dad's of my kids.
