
Monday, May 9, 2011

Guest Post – Jessica Bowman

Jessica blogs at Bohemian Bowmans. She is a wrangler of Wild Things trying to embrace the rumpusing, faith, life learning and parenting.

Compassionate Kiddos.

The first year or so that I was a Compassion Sponsor, I only sponsored one girl, and I didn’t include my children in the process at all. I wrote to Ana in Columbia 3 or 4 times that year, only replying to the letters I received from her.

I don’t think she, or I, got much out of the relationship.

But the next year I felt the pull to sponsor another child. And then just a couple of months after that, another. And then I added a correspondence child to the mix on top of that. I quickly discovered that there was a bona fide community of other sponsors online, sharing letter writing tips, encouraging each other, rejoicing in each cream colored letter that anyone received.

And as I became more passionate about Compassion, it naturally rubbed off on my children, too. Especially my older two who are now 10 and 7 years old.

I don’t require that my children correspond with our Compassion Kids, but often times because they see me doing it, and I share any incoming letters with them, they want in on the pen pal action. My 10 year old connects most with the 12 year old girl we sponsor in Ghana and my 7 year old enjoys writing to our 6 year old correspondence boy in Brazil.

They have written letters.





Drawn pictures.




Filled out Christmas Cards (for unsponsored children).




And opened mail.



It has opened up a lot of discussions about children and people that live in poverty. About needs versus wants. And about our job as Christians to help our brothers and sisters in need, since we’ve been given so much.

I’m so glad we took that initial leap and sponsored our first child a couple of years ago. Even if it did take us a while to jump on the letter writing band wagon. clip_image014

Jessica of Bohemian Bowmans


  1. We did that too when we first started 2008.

    Now it is part of us!

    Jill, I think it was Malaria and grief w/ Maureen's sister. Sad.


  2. I love seeing kids involved with Compassion. What a great way to bring awareness in a meaningful way! And I definitely think there is an artist in the family...I am very impressed by the drawing of the zebra :)

  3. We were less commited to writing initially as well, but God grew our hearts for it, and now we're all involved. I think it's very important for the kids to see it by example, to have the opportunity to take part in the writing, reading the letters as they are received, and in praying for these children. The discussions it leads to, as well as the growth, are priceless.

    LOVE the photos and the artwork!! For "wild things", they look so well tamed :D
