
Sunday, April 2, 2017

An Update

Hello fellow Compassion Sponsors and Advocates!

I've missed you and this space, but I must admit that having a little extra time has also been nice. March was full of ups and downs for us.

I have grieved deeply at the loss of Compassion's ministry in India, as I'm sure most of you have as well. For  several weeks I couldn't even think of the situation without my eyes welling up with tears. However, I am grateful for the many years Compassion was there and for the strong ministry they were able to establish through the local church. It is my hope and prayer that the local church continues to have a strong presence and influence in the lives of the children and families that Compassion was ministering to. 

Not only did we lose our dear Preeti in India, we also lost our girl Veronica in Dominican Republic. Because of these changes, we have added two new precious girls to our family this month.

Alisson in Ecuador
Alisson was sent to us by Compassion, and I was grateful because 
I was having trouble choosing a child to sponsor.

Wendy in Colombia
I chose Wendy because she is older (18) and shares a birthday with me. 

Also exciting and new this month....Our family band, Bridgid's Cross, has decided to donate 100% of tips to Compassion's Water of Life initiative. We had a sign made and used it at our St. Patrick's Day gig. Normally a gig like this would yield about $30 in tips, but we made exactly $100 in 2 hours. 

That's all for now....I hope you are doing well!