Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Preschool Advent Plans

Last year I adapted the book Prepare Him Room for by preschoolers. I also read Ann Voskamp's Unwrapping the Greatest Gift myself, but decided it was too advanced for my kids. (If you have elementary school aged kids, I highly recommend both books!)

This year I was hoping to find something that I wouldn't have to adapt to my kids' preschool level and I found Truth in the Tinsel! I am so excited because this is an Advent program geared towards preschoolers but with a focus on the Biblical story of Christ's birth as the focus for Advent!

Truth in the Tinsel costs $8 for the e-book and it covers 25 days. Each day has a theme (e.g. light, Mary, shepherds, star) with a verse or passage from the Bible. Then it has a simple craft with discussion questions to help your toddlers think about what they're making and what was just read.

There are also a lot of extra free resources to supplement Truth in the Tinsel. I am personally planning on using the free Lego Advent Pieces supplement so we can create what we're learning with Lego! I plan on using our Little People Nativity Advent Calendar each day also.


And of course we can't celebrate Advent without taking some time to reach out to others. So I got a really neat book to go along with our Advent time: Around the World with Kate & Mack: A Look at Languages from A to Z.

This book is available in English and Spanish and explores a different language/people group for each letter of the alphabet! So we will be going through this and praying for different people groups throughout Advent!

And then each week I hope to have a different focus for reaching out:

  • November 27: Bibles Unbound

  • December 4: Make treats and cards for neighbors.

  • December 11: Create ornaments from photos of Mana 4 Lempira kids. Artwork for Compassion kids.

  • December 18: Shopping at Dollar Store and making gifts for siblings.

  • ~~~

    I hope this gives you some ideas if you're trying to help your toddlers and preschoolers prepare for Christmas!
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