
Tuesday, November 29, 2016

November Compassion Joys

I think this is going to be the last Compassion Joy link-up. I'm sure you've noticed that new blog posts here have become few and far between. It's quite possible this is my last post....I just don't know.

Ruth, Alejandrina, Noel, Antoni, Jerry, Emanuel, Winfrey and Marlon

photo of Jazmin (Alejandrina) included in her letter)

photo update

new photo of Lian in Colombia

new photo of Collins in Kenya


Our sponsored child, Jerry in Indonesia, moved and is no longer able to attend the Compassion project. In his place, we welcomed Yulesqui of Nicaragua into our family. She is 10 years old and looks adorable.

And now it's your turn! Here are some guidelines for you to follow for this link-up:
  1. Link up by entering the URL to your blog post (make sure it's a link to the actual blog post and not just your blog).
  2. Be sure to link back here to Compassion Family and tell others you are doing so. Feel free to grab the button code for your post (it's on the right side of the blog).
  3. Set aside some time to visit the other participants and leave some comment love.

I should also mention that I reserve the right to remove anyone's submission if it fails to meet the link-up requirements or is inappropriate.