
Friday, September 2, 2016

Five Friday Features (and an update)

First the blogging presence here has become quite sporadic and there are reasons for that. The first, and most obvious, is that I've been spending my time elsewhere. As my own kids get older, I continue to evaluate how I spend my time, and I don't have as much personal free-time as I used to have. I'm about half-way through "having kids at home" stage of my life and I don't want to spend all that time in front of a computer.

The second reason is inspiration. I created this blog to chronicle my family's journey of experiencing sponsorship as a family and to encourage others to do the same. It was extremely helpful (at least for me) to do this in the beginning, but I feel like it's become one more thing for me to do.

I'm not leaving the blog or closing it down...I'm simply explaining where I'm at with it. I homeschool my kids, and we start up in a couple weeks. I have a lot of planning to do, and then once we start I'll be doing only what is essential each day. At the very least I would like to continue with monthly letter writing ideas, the Compassion Joy Dare (I'd really, really, really love to see that link up grow a bit) and Hannah, one of our my regular contributors, is working on a series for you.

Another thing I'd like to do at least once a month....

{back to school edition}

1) Compassion Blog - How to Encourage A+ Excellence in Your Letters

A fun post with practical advice on how we can encourage our sponsored children in their academic pursuits.

2) International Literacy Day - September 8

Literacy really pulls at my heart strings. I cannot imagine life without the ability to read. I am an avid reader and our own educational efforts at home center around reading. Compassion offers help and resources to children and mothers, and you can donate to their efforts.

3) Step Into My Shoes Curriculum 

This wonderful curriculum is intended for family use and will work with children of all ages. I went through this program with my own girls a couple years ago and they loved it.

Visit the website HERE for more information.

4) True Story Curriculum 

I have not yet gone through this curriculum, but plan to do this with my own girls this fall. This one is intended for older kids (teens). I am excited to go through this as it features the daughter of my friend, Aimee.

Visit the website HERE for more information.

5) Compassion Mobile Experience

If this is coming anywhere even remotely near you...GO! It's an amazing educational opportunity for all ages. You've already seen it? Go again. We live in cultures that numb us to the realities of life and in less than 20 minutes, you'll be reminded that this work of sponsorship and advocacy is needed.

Visit the website HERE for more infomration.

Have a wonderful weekend!