
Friday, August 5, 2016

Ruth in Bolivia

Ruth in Bolivia
December 18, 2007

We began sponsoring Ruth in March of 2012. So far we have received 46 letters, most written by her mom, with several others written by her older sister, Giselle, and her older brother, Luis. In October 2014, we received our first letter written by Ruth, herself. 

Ruth is one of 5 children, and is the fourth born. Her siblings are Luis, Giselle, Jonatan, Nataly and Benjamin. The baby, Benjamin, was born in 2015. She lives at home with her parents in the area called Cochabamba. Her father pastors a church.

Ruth attends BO  522, which is a 30 minute walk from her home. She attends the project on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. 

At the project she enjoys learning to pray, brush her teeth, take care of others and care for God's creation.

  • verse - Psalm 23 (she mentions this verse many times over several years, so I truly think it is her favorite)
  • season - spring (she loves flowers. One letter said "she gets sad when flowers die.")
  • day of the week - Sunday because she goes to church
  • subject - math / music
  • book of Bible - Psalms
  • Bible character - Samson
  • chore - washing dishes
  • food - pique
  • sport - field and track
  • activity - playing dolls
  • color - pink
  • animal - cat
  • cartoon - Frozen
  • hero -Jesus
  • Christmas Song - Merry Christmas

Miscellaneous info:
  • wants to be a doctor
  • wants to visit Lake Titicaca
  • lives in a brick house
  • gets water from tanker truck
  • has electricity in house
  • Feb 2014 - best student of kindergarten
  • bought shoes, uniform for school and backpack with gifted money / bought sport clothes
  • likes watching television with family
  • likes playing jump rope with friends
  • likes the food at the project because it's delicious
  • Dec 2016 - won second place in poetry contest
  • Sept 2017 - went on vacation to Corani with family
  • learning 12 verses for verse contest at project

Many of the letter templates had a small blurb with statistics from Bolivia....

Ruth loves to draw and so many of her letters include beautiful, colorful drawings for us.

These next few show that she started drawing a familiar scene on each letter, and eventually started adding new things to the scene.

When Wess Stafford retired, I invited all my sponsored children to write a brief note to him and this is what Rut's mother sent....

Dear Mr. Wess Stafford,
Greetings! Ruth sends her regards to you with love. It is really a great joy and a privilege to be able to talk with you, because you got a ministry with children throughout the world. And one of the children who received love and support is Ruth. She and her family are very thankful to be able to meet you by the photo Jill has sent for us. Ruth wishes the best for you and your whole family. And, may God be with you in every activity that you do. Through this ministry, many children and families know Jesus. Thanks to the years that you were involved in this work. You will remain in our prayers and hearts of many children. God bless you. Ruth will say bye with all her gratitude and love, Zaida (mother).