
Monday, March 2, 2015

Compassion ABCs: J is for

J is for....


Compassion's official tag line is "releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name"

Compassion is absolutely, 100% committed to Christ and it's one of the things that makes them unique and stand out from other charitable organizations.

The following comes straight off their website...

Jesus Christ is at the heart of Compassion's ministry. This corporate commitment drives the content of our programs, characterizes the kind of people we hire, and guides our ethics. 
We believe we must do more than simply meet the physical needs of the poor. Poverty sends a defeating, painful message into the heart of a child: a message that says, "You don't matter." Introducing children to their loving Heavenly Father is the most powerful way of reversing this message. 
Every child who participates in a Compassion program is given the opportunity to learn about Jesus and discover how to develop a lifelong relationship with God. This good news is modeled and shared in age-appropriate and culturally relevant ways -- never through coercion. 
The Great Commission is at the core of our mission and discipleship is at the core of our program. 

 Just looking at a few of their banners and graphics and it's obvious that Jesus is central to their mission.

 I don't know about you, but I think this focus on Jesus is why I like this ministry so much!