
Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year


Wow...another year has come and gone. I love all the reflection that takes place at the end of one year and the beginning of the next. I love setting new goals and laying out new plans for the  next year.

Our year has already gotten off to a great start as our Joseph in Tanzania has a birthday on January 1st! And this morning when I logged into my Compassion account, I noticed four new faces of children I get to correspond with. And in just three weeks, I'll be on my way to Nicaragua where I will get to meet two of my Compassion children and two of my mom's Compassion children!

2015 is off to a great start!

Do you have goals for yourself when it comes to Compassion? I have a few...
  • write letters monthly 
  • send birthday gifts - $, cards and folders
  • host Compassion Sunday at my church
  • faithfully advocate on behalf of children waiting for sponsors
  • encourage other sponsors by blogging here 
  • continue "what to write" series
  • continue and finish "ABCs of Compassion" series
  • continue "Compassion JOY Dare"

I'd love to know what you'd like to see here from Compassion Family this year. What are your favorite types of posts? What do you want more/less of?

I'd love to hear from you...