
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Compassion Translators - a Conversation with Cecilia Torres in Peru

If you've ever gone on a Compassion trip or even written a letter to your sponsored child, you know the importance of Compassion's translators. They are literally our voice when it comes to communicating with our sponsored children.

When I was in Peru, all our translators were excellent, but one in particular was super nice and I've kept up with her over the past four years. 

I asked Cecilia some questions about her job as a translator and she was kind enough to let me share her responses with you.

My name is Cecilia Torres and I have worked as a freelance translator/interpreter for Compassion Peru for about 12 years.  I don’t do much interpretation much now but I really enjoy to host visits, meeting sponsors from different countries is such a blessing.  The job laws in Peru changed a little like 3 years ago and I was given the opportunity and was asked by key people in Compassion Peru to start my own translation business to provide Compassion Peru translation services.  Back then I have been also working on and off helping in the PC area (Sponsors and Donors Ministries) evaluating other translators’ work, etc…  So I knew what the whole work involved and God led me to start my little translation business.  This is my second year providing translation services to Compassion and my business is named Global Voice S.A.C, I chose that name because many times I was told by sponsors “thank you for being my voice here in Peru”.  I enjoy managing Global Voice and so far I have 13 translators working with me.  [You can find us in Facebook and like our page].  God is good and I am grateful for this challenge and opportunity to be a blessing to others translators, Compassion Peru, children, and translators.  

1. How long have you worked for Compassion?
About 12 years as a freelance translator

2. What are the different aspects to your job as a translator?
As a translator I have to pick my packages of letters every Monday from 9:30am to 11am and drop off the packages I translated already.  I have to check every letter while I am translating just in case I find some content that Compassion wants me to observe or highlight.  I have to print each letter carefully (letters written by children) so I don’t mess up a letter, for this I have to be very alert while printing.  I also have to work with a manual/handbook mostly done by Compassion.

with Denise of Point of Grace

3. What is your favorite part of translating?
 It is to see, especially in the sponsors’ letters, how much of an encouragement they can be for their sponsored children… sometimes it is something I need to hear that that day as well.

4. What is the hardest part?
The hardest part would be when there aren’t many letters to translate or when you read that a child or a sponsor passes away L

with Darlene Zschech of Hillsong

5. Is there a particular letter that stands out to you in your memory?
There have been many through the years but I especially like the graduation letters when the children say that thanks to the sponsor’s help she/he was exposed to God’s Word and now follows Him. This is what is Compassion about right?

6. What can sponsors do to make your job easier?
To make my job easier, keep writing and make sure your handwriting is clear.  Keep the level of the message age appropriate. If you don’t know Spanish well, it is better to write the letter in English otherwise we are trying to figure out what the sponsor is trying to say.

with James and John Micah of Kutless

7. Approximately how many letters do you translate each month?
Around 250 to 300 letters a week, but some of my coworkers can translate as many as 700 letters (children letters) per week.

8. How has being around Compassion and seeing their ministry in action affected you?
It has affected me in positive ways like: every time I host a sponsor visit and go to the poor areas, it reminds me to be grateful for the things I have (running water, a toilet, hot water, etc…).  Also how generous the sponsors can be with others, something I have learned.  I’ve also learned that being poor doesn’t mean sadness or misfortune, I have met many poor people through Compassion who have the joy of the Lord and are so grateful for what the “little” they have, etc…

with Compassion Korea

9. Do you sponsor a child? If so...could you tell us a little about him or her?
Yes, four translators got together, after working with Canadian advocates for a week, and decided to sponsor a little 4 year old boy from Dominica Republic named Adonis J This happened in 2010. Adonis is 8 years old and doesn’t write his own letters yet. We all are hope to visit him someday and that’s kind of why we chose a child for the DR, not too far from Peru (we were not allowed to sponsor a child from our own country)

with Jonathan Martin of The Martins