
Friday, November 14, 2014

A Kid at Heart

I have a bit of a confession to make....

I LOVE to read children's books. When my girls were really young, my favorite thing to do with them was sit down and read. Every single week we would go to the library and bring home bags of books to read. We still do. And we have quite a few books of our own as well.

Even though my girls are fluent in reading, we still enjoy reading stories together. In fact, we almost always have a book we are reading aloud together. I love revisiting favorite stories from my childhood and also reading books that are new.

Honestly, I can't believe how much I learn from children's books. In our homeschool experience, we have been reading through Story of the World and I have learned so much about world history. And don't even get me started on the Jesus Storybook Bible... What a great way to learn the overall, simple story of the from the very beginning we so desperately needed a Saviour and God promises over and over to send one.

Even when I'm challenging myself to read a classic such as Oliver Twist or Moby Dick, I tend to pick up a children's version so I can understand the overall storyline before trying to wade through all the details.

Another resource for children that I love to read is Compassion's Explorer magazine.

This is a fantastic resource for young and old alike. It is full of beautiful photos, information about the countries where Compassion works and glimpses of life for so many kids around the world. Although poverty is a stark reality for so many, Compassion does an excellent job portraying the beautiful in the midst of reality.

To get your own free subscription of this great resource, simply sign up HERE.

I'd love to are you still a kid at heart? Do you have any confessions to make?