
Monday, October 13, 2014

When God invites us to tell His story...

Six weeks or so ago...
I wrote on here about releasing our kids to fly... more specifically about how my heart is handling the fact that my girl was about to unfurl her wings and soar away.

And fly she did... spending 10 days with a filming team from Compassion Canada, in the Philippines, a Compassion International field country which also happens to be the country of hubby's and my births... filming a youth curriculum that they are producing which my girl is hosting for them.

She soared... on wings like eagles, drawing strength from our Heavenly Father... even when her eye migraines persistently flared up.

A few weekends ago, the same filming team was here with us from Friday morning to Sunday night to film the Toronto segment of this project.

Now that the filming is over, the waiting starts.

I can't wait to see the final product {to be released early next year}... and can't wait to see how God will use it to tell His story of redemption for this broken world in which we live.

As my girl wrote on her blog last week:
It was wild, crazy-God-beautiful, unbelievably tough, mind-blowingly fulfilling and so much fun.

Each time I started a day of filming or shared a moment with a child in the Philippines or opened my mouth to speak, I could only think How blessed are we, that God would choose to include us in His Kingdom work?
Think about it guys... He doesn't have to, yet He does. That is the kind of God we serve.
Friends, you can hop on over to her blog to see more photos and to read the rest of her reflections on being involved with this project and also to read this one... this beautiful glimpse into the very real struggles which her heart is processing upon returning home. Such wild grace!

And then, a couple days after the film crew left...
We found ourselves involved in yet another media project. This time, my boy was invited to appear on live TV to promote the newly released Rubik's speed-cube.

You see, my boy is a speed-cuber. He attends multiple competitions every year and he loves to wear his Compassion t-shirts to these events. You can also see the Compassion t-shirt featured in many of his YouTube videos. This is his way of advocating for Compassion! 

While my girl loves to speak and write about Compassion, my boy advocates mostly without the use of many words! I love the fact that, although they are polar opposites, both are equally passionate about their advocacy of Compassion's ministry!

On this particular day... although a dress-code wasn't specified, we weren't sure if he would be allowed to appear on air representing the Rubik's cube, but wearing his Compassion t-shirt.

But we decided that he would wear it to the studio anyway... but pack a backup t-shirt in his backpack, just in case! We also posted a prayer request on the Compassion Canada Advocate Network Facebook page and enlisted our fellow advocates to pray.

And... as you can see from the photo above, God answered our prayers! He was able to wear his Compassion shirt on air that day! You can click here to watch the clip from the show. Such wild grace!

I am blown away...
... by God's relentless love, His constant goodness and His amazing grace.

On this Thanksgiving Day {today is Thanksgiving here in Canada!}, as I reflect on these things, I can't help but be deeply grateful and be in awe:

Because... God continuing to use a family as broken as ours for Kingdom purposes blows me away.

Because... God using unqualified ordinary people such as us to create something beautiful and radical blows me away.

Because... God choosing to use our family's story to inspire others to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him utterly. blows. me. away! 

We truly serve an awesome God!
To Him be all glory, honour and praise... He has done great things! And the beautiful thing is... He invites each one of us to tell His story, whether with lots of words or without many words... in order to make this world a better place. 

Let's join Him, friends... and leave a Jesus-mark in this world!
It doesn't matter who you are, how big your audience or your bank account, you can make a mark.
You can do it. Jesus did. He is the example, the eternal Truth we love because he loved us first. We serve because he served first.
~ Jeremy Cowart, What's Your Mark?

About Aimee Esparaz...Aimee is mother to two teens and is passionate about living out Micah 6:8 with her family. She is a sponsor and advocate through Compassion Canada and works in global marketing. She loves to read and garden, and blogs at A Mom On A Mission.