
Wednesday, September 10, 2014

What I'm Doing...

Last week I published a post that featured the song and video by Matthew West called "Do Something". At the end of the post I asked you to share what you would do this month... no one did.

So I'm wondering....what are you doing?

You know the saying, "When it rains it pours".... well that's how this week feels. We aren't quite back to school yet, so we (my girls and I) are doing quite a bit.

Here's what's on our "to-do" list....

write our monthly letters

write Christmas letters to unsponsored kids
I have quite a supply of Christmas paper that I'm going to use up. I plan to write a simple message that I can print out on this paper and then decorate with stickers. This year Compassion is asking for these Christmas cards/letters to be mailed by September 30 (about a month earlier than previous years).

Here is the info Hannah shared about writing to unsponsored children...

"You are welcome to send cards for unsponsored children. Please make the message to each child short as it will not go through the regular translation process.

Cards may be put in their own respective envelopes but please do not seal them. Tucking the flap in would work just fine. You may put several cards in a big manila envelope, or even a box, and address it to:

Compassion International
Christmas Cards for Unsponsored Children
Colorado Springs, CO 80997-0004

You do not need a street address. We have our own zip code. It would also be a good idea to put a short note on top saying the cards are for unsponsored children. We would need them by September 30.

You may send as many as you wish. We have quite a few unsponsored children. Your card/note would certainly brighten their holiday. You may also include something small, like a bookmark, in the letter. Bookmarks are sold by the pack at almost any department store or Christian bookstore."

we are visiting our local nursing home and playing our violins for the residents

running a race
On Saturday we are running a race called Cause and Event. We get to choose our cause and half of our registration $ goes to our cause. We chose Compassion and hopefully, all four of us will be running in some capacity. I'm signed up for the 10K, my husband is signed up for the 5K and the girls will run 1 mile.

I tried to set up a fundraising page, but was unsuccessful....I would love to have your support in this endeavor. I regularly run 3 miles several times a week, but signing up for the 10K (6 miles) was a challenge. It's been a couple years since I've run a race. So if you want to donate any amount to Compassion that would be AWESOME. And if you tell me about it, I'll probably run a little faster... you can leave a comment or email me at fiddlejill (at) outlook (dot) com.

So...busy week!

And next week we return to our school studies. So if it's quiet around these parts, now you know why!