
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

On Releasing Our Kids To Fly...

Hello Compassion Family community! To say that I am excited to be here is an understatement. I have been a long-time reader of this blog... and I count it a blessing to have this opportunity to share my thoughts on here once in a while.

Most of all, I am excited to continue learning alongside all of you what it means to lead our families to follow Christ with abandon... to do justice, to love mercy and to walk humbly with Him.

Speaking of which... yesterday, we experienced a "first" in our family. We said goodbye to our daughter as she left for a 10-day filming trip with a film crew from Compassion Canada. They are filming the video segment for a 6-week curriculum series for youth on what the Bible says about poverty and justice. My girl will be the face and the voice of this curriculum. Such wild grace... our God's grace truly is a beautiful thing!

Here are my thoughts on this "first"... a milestone, both for my hubby and me... and for our baby girl... who really isn't a baby anymore! Why does time always fly by so fast?!?

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Yesterday, she flew!

Little did I know just how soon that time would actually arrive... that God already had a plan in place... for her to fly... onto Kingdom purposes and also literally, to quite a faraway place! 

And this mama's heart is not sure how to feel... 

Yet, I know this for sure... that He who promised is faithful!

My baby girl... at six months of age.
Collecting seashells on a beach in Halifax. (Summer 2006)
So yesterday this mama released her to fly... and today I am embracing turning this new page in the journey of motherhood... and holding on unswervingly to the Hope we profess... and covering her with prayers... and celebrating the beauty that is God's grace at work in my baby girl's life. 

For many years, since the day she was born... this has been, and still is today, my prayer for her:
That she will live life as "a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendour."
Blogging... speaking out for those who are denied a voice.
Yesterday, her wings unfurled! 
She flew... halfway around the world, for the second time this summer and without us this time, to the country of hubby's and my birth, the Philippines. This is the longest {10 days} and farthest that she'll be away from us. 

She flew... with a film crew from Compassion Canada, to film a 6-week youth curriculum series on what the Bible says about poverty and justice. This curriculum will be made available next year as a resource for youth groups across the country! 

She flew... to be the face and voice of this curriculum series. Such wild grace to see God answering my prayer that she be used by Him for the display His splendour! It is also a way that God is fulfilling her desire to speak out "for those who are denied a voice in society. The oppressed. The impoverished. The enslaved." 

Yes, she is mine, my girl... but she is first and foremost, God's daughter! As I have repeatedly told her since she was just a wee little girl, "God loves you infinitely more than I ever can!" So with that in mind, this mama stretched out her arms and released her to fly... onto Kingdom purposes which He has prepared in advance for her to do. 

And I will learn the delicate balance of releasing and embracing... this not-so-easy, yet oh-so-beautiful new rhythm that comes with this exciting new season of motherhood... of letting go and releasing her to fly, yet embracing her with love and covering her with prayers. 
A mother holds her child's hand for just a short time, but holds their heart for a lifetime.
~ Author Unknown.
Her most favourite place to be... sitting behind the Compassion table!
Although at times I feel like I am incapable of facing this new season, I know that our Heavenly Father will give me the grace and the strength to do so. 

Although at times I feel like my heart is unraveling because she is so faraway from me, I know that God is unraveling His perfect plan for my girl's life, for the display of His splendour.
At Inspire Hope last month... introducing her social enterprise, Freedom Creations
Sharing her story at Inspire Hope.
Promo cards for the youth curriculum series that she will be hosting.
Friends, will you join us... 
In covering our baby girl in prayer as she embarks on this awesome God-assignment? Please click here for her prayer letter. 

And even though I am not a brave mama because braveness is outside my comfort zone, I *will* be brave... and I did try very hard not to bawl my eyes out when sending her off, but if y'all must know, I miserably failed! :)

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~ To follow my girl on this God-assignment: read her blog and follow her on Twitter or Instagram.
~ Take action by sponsoring a child with Compassion.
~ To get to know our family's involvement with Compassion Canada better, read this recently published article about us... A Family Who Loves Mercy

About Aimee Esparaz...Aimee is mother to two teens and is passionate about living out Micah 6:8 with her family. She is a sponsor and advocate through Compassion Canada and works in global marketing. She loves to read and garden, and blogs at A Mom On A Mission.