
Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Something New at Compassion Family

Hello lovely blog readers!

I wanted to take a minute to point out one of the changes that you'll be seeing here at Compassion Family in the months to come. I've assembled a group of regular contributors that will share their experiences and ideas here.

I've had many guest posts, and those will continue, but very week or so, you'll be privileged to hear from one of our regular contributors. It's likely you are already acquainted with these ladies, but here's a little introduction with links to their personal blogs. I hope you'll take time to get to know them a little bit.

I created Compassion Family as a place to gather my own ideas and share with others how we experience sponsorship as a family. I was wanting to be more intentional about pursuing sponsorship together - myself, my husband and my two daughters.

Each one of the regular contributors is at a different stage of parenting and I think we'll all benefit from sharing our experiences with each other.

and now, without further ado, meet the regular contributors....

Crystal Kupper
Crystal has been a sponsor and advocate for the past six years. She loves that Compassion's ministry is holistic and long-term, not just a temporary, quick fix. She also loves exchanging letters with the kids she sponsors. Crystal is a military wife of ten years to Nickolas and they are currently living in the UK with their three children ages six to one. She is also a freelance magazine writer, classical pianist, runner and volunteer/social justice addict. You can find her blogging at

Hannah Hinojosa

Hannah has been sponsoring children through Compassion for 15 years. Her first sponsored child, Shamin, graduated from Compassion and is attending college. She has even started a ministry for disable children in Uganda. Shamin's story inspired Hannah to become an advocate 1.5 years ago and to faithfully invest in her current Compassion children. She loves the opportunity sponsorship provides to disciple kids and make a difference in the world right from our homes. Hannah lives in Florida with her husband, toddler son and infant daughter. Besides being a mom, she is a part-time math professor, lover of soccer, avid reader and Spanish speaker. She blogs at

Yvonne Reynolds
Yvonne began sponsoring her first child  in early 2010 and joined the advocate network in August of 2011. She loves the children Compassion is ministering and that Compassion partners with the local church to share the love of Jesus with these children every day. Yvonne and her husband Kevin live in central California with their son Matthew (19) and daughter Kelsey (14). Yvonne keeps busy by homeschooling Kelsey, reading, photography and baking. You can find her blogging at

I am super excited to welcome these ladies and their voices to Compassion Family. Please join me in welcoming them. 

I am also collecting guest posts for the summer....if you have an idea or want to submit a post, feel free to comment or contact me at fiddlejill(at)outlook(dot)com.