
Monday, May 12, 2014

Child Packets

Have you ever been asked about child sponsorship or the ministry of Compassion and found yourself wishing you had a child packet on hand to show someone?

Today I want to point out a couple reasons why having one on hand is a good idea.

1. One on One Presentations ~ Wether spontaneous or planned, having a child packet in hand makes one on one presentations (or ANY presentation) more effective. If you have a specific child you are advocating for, you are much more likely to find a sponsor if you have the packet in hand and can share that child's story with others.

2. Prayer ~ Even if you don't end up finding a sponsor, the opportunity to pray for a specific child is important and significant. You can use the child packet to remind you to pray for the ministry of Compassion, this specific child, the child's future sponsor, opportunities to share about child sponsorship with others, and much more.

3. Visual Reminder ~ When I have a child packet sitting on my kitchen counter, I have a visual, daily reminder of Compassion's minsitry.

If you are an advocate, you have access to child packets. You simply have to order one through the advocate resource page on the website. Child packets will be dated with an expiration date, so you have a limited time to pray and advocate for the child.

More often than not, I do not find a sponsor for the child, yet I continue to order them and have them on hand. Here are some ideas for what you can do with your child packet:

  • take the child packet to work and have it sitting out on your desk - pray for the child and for opportunities to share about child sponsorship with your co-workers. Perhaps one will even ask you about it.
  • take the child packet with you to school - see above
  • take the child packet with you to church - as you wait for the service to begin, have the child packet in your hands and pray for the child. Perhaps a fellow church goer will see you and ask you about it. I find the weeks following Compassion Sunday presentations to be the times when I really want these on hand. 
  • share about the child on social media - facebook, twitter, blog, pinterest, instagram
  • keep the child packet on your dining room table and pray for the child as a family or yourself
  • have a child packet with you when you travel....especially if you are traveling on a Compassion trip. Maybe, must maybe, you'll sit next to someone on the plane that wants to know more about you.
You can always direct someone to Compassion's website when sharing about the ministry, but if you have a child packet - a photo and information for a specific child who is waiting for a sponsor - it's MUCH more effective. Even if you are just planting seeds....

As always, I'd love to hear from you. Can you add ideas or testimonies? If you have trouble finding the comment button, try clicking on the title of this post.