
Monday, December 16, 2013

Top 10 of 2013...a link-up

This post is mostly an announcement for fellow bloggers. I thought it would be fun to share our top 10 posts of 2013 with each other before the end of the year.

I just don't have the time to get around to everyone's blogs regularly, so I might have missed some of your best posts of the year. This is your chance to give your favorites a second-chance at being read.

Here's what we'll do...
  1. Choose your favorite posts to highlight. These can be your personal favorites or reader favorites. Just be sure the post is from YOUR blog and was written and posted in 2013. 
  2. Create a new post featuring all 10 (or fewer) posts with links to the original post and maybe a brief description of why it was chosen.
  3. Post your Top 10 (or less) on Monday, December 23rd.
  4. Come back here and link-up so we can read your Top 10.

I do hope you'll join! I'm going to want some good reading over the holidays!!