
Sunday, October 6, 2013

Commitment to Children

There are four distinctives, commonly referred to as the 4 C's of Compassion, that set Compassion apart.  These are the things that make the ministry of Compassion different. 

The second....Compassion is CHILD-FOCUSED

The following was taken from Compassion's website....

Compassion's ministry is focused on the individual child and his or her development. By working holistically with individual children to address their spiritual, economic, social and physical needs, we present every child with an opportunity to become responsible and fulfilled Christian adults. 
Although entire communities may feel the positive impact of Compassion's presence, our goal is to release children one-by-one from poverty in Jesus' name. What happens in the life of a child ripples throughout their environment now and in the future. 
We believe that changed environments may assist children, but transformed children will inevitably change their environments.