
Thursday, August 8, 2013

What to Write ~ Sports

The August theme for the Second Friday Letter Writing Pinterest board is sports. Since it's the second Friday of the month, and I need to write my letters, I thought I would combine the theme, the need to write letters and another what to write post all into one! (Does that mean I'm killing three birds with one stone?)

Here are some questions to consider when writing to your child about sports....
1. How do sports play a role in your life now?
2. How did sports play a role in your life as a kid?
3. What is your favorite sport to play?
4. What is your favorite sport to watch?
5. Be sure to ask your sponsored child what sports they like....


How are you? I'm always thankful when I can take some time and write to you, and getting a letter from you brightens up my whole day!

I have a question for you like to play sports? If so, what sport is your favorite? Sports do not play a big role in our family life right now. We prefer hiking, running. frisbee and biking (things we can do as a family) to participating in organized sports, but when I was younger I was always involved in sports. 

I remember playing tennis and soccer as a young child. And when I was in high school, I played on my school volley ball team for 5 years. Just a couple weeks ago we were at a friend's house and we played a game of volleyball. It brought back many memories of my volleyball playing days.

When I was in high school I also watched many different games my school was playing - soccer, basketball and football were the events I usually attended. My friends and I would meet and sit together to watch the game and cheer our team on. 

When I was in Mexico earlier this year I had the opportunity to play soccer with the boys who live at the orphanage we were visiting. It was fun, but I'm not very good at it anymore!

I also really enjoy playing frisbee. Usually I don't play as a game, but just enjoy throwing a frisbee back and forth with my husband and kids. When I was in Peru I took a frisbee with me and played with two of my sponsored children there. We had a great time throwing and catching the disc. 

I would love to know what sports you like to play. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Give my love to your family. We are praying for you always.

God bless you! 

For this round of letters I have some great sports themed stationary and some stickers I can send along! Be sure to check out the Second Friday Letter Writing Club Pinterest board for more ideas!