
Wednesday, April 24, 2013

World Malaria Day

April 25, 2013

I have written many times about Compassion's Bite Back program. In case you don't know, Bite Back is the campaign to fight and end malaria.

Malaria kills. 

And what gets me is that it is completely preventable. 

Mosquitos serve as the agents of this disease. When they bite an infected person, they become carriers. Then they turn around and bite someone else and transfer the disease to the unsuspecting person.

And it all takes place at night, while little ones are safely tucked in their beds and sleeping.

But it's preventable!!!!! 

For a very small amount of money ($10), you can provide a mosquito net that will hang over a bed and protect those sleeping under it.

I have raised awareness and funds for this campaign in many different ways over the years (VBS, Christmas gifts, homeschool group and more). It's so easy and it's so easy to get a response because it's affordable. And it provides a concrete solution to a very real and dangerous problem.

If you are an advocate, you can order a Bite Back presentation kit which will include a net you can display.

I'm actually in Mexico this week where I'm sleeping under a mosquito net. Thankfully, it's not to protect me from malaria. Rather it's to protect me from regular annoying mosquitos, no seeums, scorpions and iguanas! But it's still amazing how comforting it is to have the luxury of protection that the net provides.

I would love to hear about your experience with malaria prevention....have you done a Bite Back presentation? Do you sponsor kids in areas where malaria is present?