
Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Compassion Family is 2

I was sitting here thinking I ought to write a post - it's been 5 days since the last one, after all.

And then I realized that today is the 2nd birthday of Compassion Family!

My mission for this blog is the same as it was 2 years ago..... to celebrate, experience and share the joy of sponsorship as a family. 

You can define family however you want. For me personally, God planted in my heart a desire to make the ministry of Compassion our family ministry - one we would pursue together intentionally. I never could have imagined what that would look like and I'm thankful for all the ways God has allowed us to participate in the work He is doing through Compassion.

God is good. 

I want to thank YOU for being one of my readers. What is a blog without any readers? And thank you for all the comments and conversations we've had.

I'd love to hear from you today...specifically, what would you like to see more of here at Compassion Family? What are your favorite kinds of posts?