
Monday, January 21, 2013

Gifts to Kenya

A good friend of mine is traveling to Kenya next week and has offered to take a couple packages over for our kiddos there. 

Due to a nasty stomach virus that hit our house this week, I wasn't able to put much thought into these, but I'm still pleased we have the opportunity to send a tangible demonstration of our love.

All items have to fit into a one-gallon sized ziploc bag and here's what we came up with.

For Jackson: a polo shirt, toothbruth and toothpaste, a composition notebook, pencils, candy, small flashlight, candy, small photo album and a calculator.

For Joylyne: a dress, toothbruth and toothpaste, a composition notebook, pencils, candy, small flashlight, candy, small photo album and chapstick.

Have you ever been blessed with the opportunity to send a gift to one of your kids?